Lordship Chimu
Peruvian pre-Columbian culture
Capital: Chan Chan
Main language: quingnam, mochicha
Religion: Polytheistic
Government: Lordship
Chimu kings
• ~ 900 - ~ 960 Tacaynamo
• ~ 960 - ~ 1020 Guacricur
• ~ 1020 - ~ 1080 Ñancempinco
• ~ 1440 - 1470 Minchansaman
Historical period pre-Columbian America
• Tacaynamo 1100 founded the kingdom Chimor
• Tupac Yupanqui conquered the kingdom Chimor and growing attached to the Inca Empire. 1470
The Chimu appear to decline Wari Empire between 1100 and 1400 AD. Occupied territories inhabited by the Mochica, reaching to expand their domains, in its greatest development, across a wide swathe of northern Peru from Tumbes to the valley of Huarmey.
In development are two phases, the first was a small group located in the ancient Moche Valley and surrounding areas (900-1300), and the second had already conquered a vast territory and were an ever-expanding realm ( 1300-1470).
The Chimu were prominent in the urban plan through the awesome buildings. Proof of this building as the citadel of Chan Chan, the Chimu wall, the strength of Paramonga, among others. This is why we are considered the best architects in the pre-Inca Peru. This also notable for their adornment and articles manufactured, in which used a variety of techniques for processing metals.
Several historians believe that by mid-fifteenth century, the Chimu would have been defeated by the Incas, absorbing their culture.
Chimu Empire (XII-XV centuries AD), had almost 1,000 kilometers long and its average width was 50 miles. Its area was 50,000 km ², ie 4.17% of the area of present-day Peru.
It was an empire that was developed entirely on the coast, in the valleys of Lambayeque, Reque, Jequetepeque, Chicama, Moche, Viru, Chao, Santa, Huarmey, Casma, Fortaleza, Pativilca, Supe, Huaura and Chancay.
It was located in the valleys of the north coast from the south and Paramonga to Piura in the north, its origin is explained magically through Tacaynamo legend, mythical character come from the sea.
His political organization was formed by a domain called''Dominion''Chimor, its main rulers were:
Tacaynamo, Naucenpinco, and Minchancaman Guacricaur latter conquered by the Incas, the Chimu capital was the city of Chan Chan Mud, which means sun sun.
Their economic activities were:
a) Agriculture:
They built irrigation channels such as: The Summit, The Moor and Uinchasao, grown mainly the following products: Corn, cotton, peanuts, beans, lima beans and squash.
b) Fisheries:
They used horses and reed rafts, using the technique of Carmorán, which was to use a semi-domesticated bird with ina ring in the neck that caught the fish and pulled from their throats.
In their religion, their two main gods were: Ni / Moon, Y / Sun.
Artistic manifestations were:
a) Gold:
Used the same techniques developed by the Moche, elboraron chest, nose and tumis and are one of the best goldsmiths of ancient Peru.
b) Architecture:
They used mud to build their cities, some great examples are: Chan Chan, Fortress Paramonga and Huaca Esmeralda.
c) Ceramic:
Was sculptural and pictorial technique mainly used palette.
The total population of this empire was 500,000 inhabitants and its capital was the city of Chan Chan, which housed 50,000 people.
The basis of its economy was agriculture which profited in all the valleys mentioned, had no territorial claims in the Andes, except in those where they could control the water resource, rather scarce on the coast "to irrigation infrastructure mounted, the kingdom of Chimor succeeded in cultivating the land twice today. "
Source: wikipedia
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