This culture began around 2000-1500 BC, and collapsed around AD 900 to AD 1000 C. Given its age, some scholars suggested that Tiahuanaco was the mother culture of American civilizations, while others regarded it as the capital of an ancient megalithic empire, or of a great empire that spanned by all the Central Andes.
In his sculpture can be seen a strong Mesopotamian influence. Archaeological finds such as the Fuente Magna, The Monolith patesi sitting or its equivalent, writes Pokotia The Monolith, The Step Pyramid and drawings of winged men in the Puerta del Sol are finding that it was the Mesopotamian Sumerian Akkadian which transcribed cuneiform, designs and architecture. Sumerians are considered the inventors of the wheel, writing, and the first cuneiform-style turn and rolled; which Ur famous or Urs. The Urus is one of the great ancient civilizations and also considered the mother civilization in Bolivia. Their language is the Uru or Urukilla.
The period of the Second Cultural Horizonte Andino, ranging from 800 AD to 1200 years AD, ie four centuries, which developed the present cultural climate, in two phases: the first regional development and the second interregional integration.
The road to the Great Empire of the Incas, is underway with the First Great Cultural Horizonte with Chavin de Huántar and the Second Great Cultural Horizon Tiawanako-Wari.
The United Tiahuanaco
The focus of the United Tiwanaku irradiator, is today in Bolivia to 21 miles southeast of Lake Titicaca. Tiwanaku other administrative centers, were Lucurmata, Huancané and Pacchiri.
There were many agricultural centers as well. Classic centers housing Kalasasaya Temple, the Pyramid of Akapana and Puma Punku, showed huge and impressive architecture.
One of the great unsolved mysteries of this culture, where they came from the huge blocks of stone sculptures that were given no quarries in the area.
The abundance of natural, made its inhabitants, based their economy on the herd llamas, so they did not develop intensive agriculture. The dietary supplement of plants, as obtained with the trade.
Their pottery was polychromatic, where the predominant color was orange. Pots, jars, wide mouth ceremonial vessels, have pictures made with the technique of pre-cooking with representations of humans, condors, cats and snakes.
Worship the God or God Viracocha Wands and is represented in ceramics and sculpture. This god with variations of each culture is at Caral, Chavin and other cultures before. One of the most representative is the Puerta del Sol, the god Viracocha, was imposed by the Tiwanaku in the regions of Peru, Bolivia and Chile in the year 500 AD as waka guardian.
The social stratification was based on three tiers:
1. The ruling warrior class.
2. traditional middle class.
3. The lower class consists of farmers, herders and fishermen.
You could say that the first food industry what is today Peru and Bolivia, was developed in Tiwanaku, since practically jerky industrialized production for export. As elsewhere in the Andes and throughout the territory of Peru, the system of exchange was barter. Exchange basis to the Tiwanaku, was the jerky that changed by other products they needed in society tiwanaquense.
Had significant knowledge of weather and climate events as they chose their times of sowing, hoeing and harvesting. Cultured but was not significant agriculture, potatoes, root vegetables, goose, mashua, etc.
Given the weather conditions and phenomena that occurred in the Plateau of Collao, the leaders Tiwanaku were projected to conquer new territories in order to ensure their survival. This conquest was carried out peacefully by treaty or by force, similar to how they would then the Incas.
No doubt this culture today surprised the world by its huge stone constructions.
Text source: wikipedia
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