Vicus is located chronologically between 500 BC and 700 AD, although some argue it would have lasted until the very presence Chimu (1110 to 1200 AD).
Location of the Vicus culture
Vicus was developed in the current Peruvian department of Piura, mainly in the highlands at the foot of the Andes, but was also associated with the coast and the mountains. This is a desert area, but has some rivers and lakes that are an important source of water for human settlement and agricultural development also feasible for the abundance of land suitable for cultivation. It also has abundant pastures for cattle and forests for hunting
He ranked Morropon province, Piura department.
One of its highlights are the burial customs and their tombs are shaped like a boot from 4 to 15 meters deep, unfortunately have not found any human remains, due to huaqueros (archaeological remains) and excessive moisture has prevented its proper preservation.
Artistic manifestations are:
a) Ceramics
Are the first to develop the Huacos''Sex,''also produced huacos whistles that imitate the sound of some animals.
b) Gold:
Worked gold, silver, copper and an alloy / blend called tumbaga / mushrooms, a good example is the Venus de Frias.
The origins of Vicus would like Chorrera cultures with which it shares several aspects of the pottery tradition (technique, form and decoration). Around 200 BC, Vicus is influenced by other contemporary groups and close, as Viru and Moche. This relationship has been interpreted as the arrival of elite individuals that would have connected with the elites of Vicus, but later would come into conflict, causing the collapse of the local society.
The Vicus were mainly farmers. For this activity developed complex hydraulic manifolds and channels rainwater to irrigate the fields. Cultivated pumpkins, squash, corn and some fruits, as can be derived from the decoration of their pottery. Agriculture was supplemented by farming, hunting and gathering of birds and fauna, both inside and on the coast. In the rocks of the latter, obtained guano for use as fertilizer.
Vicus culture was a complex social organization based on social classes formed by individuals with different political, social and economic development. Judging from its frequent representation in art, the Warriors played a central role in this society. The existence of such complex craft witnessed by the presence of skilled artisans and full time. Surely, at the base of society had a large mass of peasants and fishermen.
Vicus culture pottery
Vicus pottery emphasizes, shaped by its decoration, which reflects various aspects of his life. On the one hand, reflects the local fauna like deer, rodents, cats, monkeys, ducks, parrots, owls, iguanas and snakes. Sometimes these representations contain the features of two or more animals, which alludes to the mythical nature of these beings. Furthermore, the vessels are also common to represent human beings in different attitudes or activities, such as warriors, weavers or characters with unique outfits that have been interpreted as priests. Within these vessels include those where characters were modeled in erotic poses, perhaps related to beliefs about fertility.
In general, their pottery is characterized by its massive and rustic as well as its tendency realistic sculpture.
In Vicús confluence of several ceramic styles in which there are different cultural components and sequences whose associations are not yet fully clarified. Accepted two groups: one, the Vicus / Vicus, in turn divided into three phases: Vicús monochrome or utilitarian pottery, known as the Vicus white on red (which is older in Ecuador in our territory and has been the backbone of those positions that point to Piura as dependent on the cultural imprint of the Northern Andes and cultural transmission from north to south), and the most common or negative Vicús, better polish and finish. The second group, Vicus / Moche, in which the white on orange is the representative of the ceramic. This marked difference in internal stylistic Vicus culture have responded to a similar heterogeneity in the local tradition from the same formation.
Source: Wikipedia and http://wiki.sumaqperu.com/es/Cultura_Vicus
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