Dr. D. Bernardo Monteagudo had its humble birth in the city of Tucuman, and tradition that was, by the mother, in the case of those of whom he says Lope de Vega ...
Have given the strongest sun.
In the common way of death. [1]
He did not accept this assumption, contradicted by a letter (dated the Punta de San Luis to March 16, 1813, we have to view original) vehemently venting of personal offense that caused him such rumors.In one paragraph reads as follows: ... "I do not boast of having among my elders, titles of nobility gained by intrigue and perhaps for the crime, but I flatter myself to have parents imbued with honor, educated in the love of work and decent without being noble." [Pg.] Monteagudo probably made his first studies in Cordoba but verily he completed in Chuquisaca, more or meaos the same time they were there with the same object Moreno, Agrelo and other Argentines as main part had to take the facts of the revolution that was coming.
When Monteagudo was presented at the scene of the Rio de la Plata was not a novice in danger, nor was this the first time gave evidence of the fierceness of his character. Ponds in the insurrection of the year 1809, he was one of the most determined by the idea of a Governing Board, as indeed was formed and settled on 25 May. These events were mere precursors of what symptoms within just a year, counting from that date, had verified Vireynato definitely in the Rio de la Plata. The board was dissolved by an immediate reaction and Monteagudo, prosecuted and sentenced to death took refuge in Buenos Aires where he would immediately find the atmosphere that suited the high degree of ardor of his character and to the extent of their intelligence.In 1811 he took part in the drafting of the Gazette, for a moment returning to the paper, some of the shine and the energy of the style of its illustrious founder. He also wrote other papers. The [pg.] Martyr or free elIndependiente, the Cry of the South, were the echo of a frenetic spirit of democracy he had for the doctrine favorable to the despotism of the social contract itself. Such is the naive and subsequent confession of his own editor.
Within the Constituent Assembly installed in early 1813, was Monteagudo, intelligent and zealous promoter holder of the major reforms that dictated by national corporation.
In the month of July 1815 in Buenos Aires ausentóse for a trip overseas, which lasted until 1817 fine. After a visit to Rio de Janeiro toured much of Europe in March 1817 in Bordeaux was Monteagudo, according to a letter written this, we have in sight.
Returning to his homeland, passed by the General San Martin to play in the glorious campaigns of Chile Auditor of war. He should not have this job to other influence than to his merit recognized by Chilean authorities as stated in official documents.One day he departed not from his boss in those rough and dangerous military operations. On the night of the dreadful disaster of court-striped, the Auditor was separated from San Martin at the height of the town of San Fernando to go to Mendoza, where he took part indirectly, but [pg.] Probably decisive in the fate of Carrera brothers, accused of crimes against the country.Condemned them to the death by the prosecutor in the case, wanted to hear the governor of Mendoza those of some scholars and between that of Dr. Monteagudo: This is delivered by the need to serve a sentence certainly justified by the nature of the crime that the defendants were charged.
Monteagudo maintained the confidence of the liberator of Chile, who went to Peru to play the same employment of the Army Auditor.
Relations between San Martin Monteagudo and data were old, came from the semi-popular movement and semi-military overthrew the board who was secretary D. Bernardino Rivadavia, on October 8, 1812. Monteagudo was the soul of the revolt, San Martín supported, deployed in the main square of Buenos Aires, the lucid line of his grenadiers on horseback.
On August 3, 1821, Gen. San Martin declared Protector of Peru and formed a ministry which gave the War Department and Navy Dr. Monteagudo. It lasted in the management of this branch of the administration until 1 January 1822, going on this day to carry out the ministry deEstado and Foreign Affairs. The fulfillment of the duties of such high positions brought him [pg.] A lot of compromises and disappointments, and finally it caused the horrible end that was in their prime, on January 28, 1825. In one of the main streets of Lima, in front of the convent of San Juan de Dios serving whereabouts today inside the railroad Callao, exhaled breath manly and patriotic under the barbarous and treacherous blow from a black knife, tool some fanatical vengeance that remains among mysteries. Bolivar then sent home, and kept the official position Monteagudo that San Martin had agreed.
Dr. Monteagudo actively promoted public education in Peru, while influential in the councils of government. Lima Public Library recognizes him as his principal founder. He is also because the inspiration and writing of the decree of January 10, 1822 creating the literary establishment with the title of the Patriotic Society of Lima, comprised 40 members, in order that appears in article 8 which reads: " The object of this society is to discuss all issues that have a direct or indirect influence over the public good, whether in political, economic, or scientific, with no other restriction than that of not addressing the fundamental laws of the country or honor of a citizen. " The remarkable considering this [pg.] Decree settles his editor that public instruction is the first necessity of society, and that the government did not commit a crime that encourages the most distant posterity have a right to avenge, cursing your memory . "Like all creators genera of similar institutions in our America, had an honest simplicity to believe that the patriotic society, ready to incorporate the land of deOlacide Baquijano and those to the list of famous people by continuing to do experiments on themintellectual force of this last barrier to tyranny.
The trip to Europe had a great influence on the manners and opinions of Monteagudo. Democrat exalted returned ready to return from his first steps and to lobby for the revolution bias the direction he had contributed to printing. This change is confessed by him, in a memoir he wrote in Quito and the Pacific Press has reprinted several times owed to explain the political principles that had guided the government of Peru. [2] [pg.] Censor of Revoluciónque published in Chile in 1819 was the water that tried to put out the fire lifted by the gusts of the Martyr or Free.
The future of this outstanding Argentine biographer perhaps take his job heading the following verses D. Esteban Echeverría, who describes with rare concision and harmonious way of that beautiful meteor from the sky of our policy:
............ Monteagudo,
The very heart and injenio acute
Eloquent apostle of the future,
That among the pomp of martial noise,
It was from La Plata to the Rimac, pouring
The lively faith and the fire of his mind.
(Avellaneda, poem).
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