Carnaval de Tambobamba

Carnaval de Tambobamba

lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

War between Peru and Bolivia

The war between Peru and Bolivia was a military conflict between Peru and Bolivia in 1841 and1842.
In 1841, Agustín Gamarra, president of Peru is trying to attach Bolivia (Alto Peru colonial), whichkilled the president of Peru on November 18, 1841. Bolivia's army under General José Balliviánoccupy the Peruvian provinces of Moquegua, Puno, Tarapacá, Tacna and Arica.
The withdrawal of troops from Peru Bolivian be achieved by the increased availability of material and human resources in Peru and Peruvianvictories. At the end of the conflict signed the Treaty of Puno on June 7, 1842.

Peruvian troops led by President Gamarra beganthe march to Bolivia on 1 October 1841, crossing the border the next day. After advancingunopposed, on 15 October came to La Paz without fighting, but the manifest Ballivián to oppose the invaders soon had received.
On 21 October, in the village of Mecapaca, a meeting took place bolvianas double forces, to be occupied by a column that people under ColonelPeruvian San Roman, who was then attacked by the Battalion No. 5 and a detachment ofcuirassiers. The Peruvians, taken by surprise,rallied and forced their enemies to retire indisorder. Soon, however, a mob stormed thehospital La Paz to kill soldiers and officerswounded in the fray Peruvians, wild action, hardlycontained.

Battle of Ingavi

See also: Battle of Ingavi
The Battle of Ingavi occurred on November 18, 1841 in the town of Viacha Ingavi Province, Bolivia. Bolivian troops fought there under JoseBallivián with Peruvian troops led by AgustínGamarra, the Bolivian troops beating and dyingGeneral Gamarra.
The defeat gave the Peruvian army and theBolivian army Ballivián the opportunity to strike back and invade Peruvian territory, coming to Cuzco and threatening to seek annexation of the port of Arica. Bolivian troops occupy the provinces of Tacna, Arica and Tarapaca.
In late 1841, after the Battle of Ingavi, troops of the Second Division in Bolivia under General José Ballivián occupy Peru from Moquegua to Tarapaca. Open then, several other fronts of struggle in southern Peru.
Occupation Bolivian Moquegua, Puno and Tarapaca
On December 9, 1841, a regiment under Colonel Rodriguez occupies Magariños Tacna, another under Colonel Bernardo Rojas Arica and another to hold the command of Colonel José María García occupy Tarapacá, while the forces of Jose Ballivián Moquegua and Puno deal.
Colonel Manuel de Mendiburu, who was military commander of the South, returning from Lima Peru to organize resistance.
With this, the Arica Juan Bautista Ramos, Peru's largest army, a guerrilla organization with neighbors Azapa and confronts the forces of Bernardo Rojas in Arica on December 25, 1841. In Sama, Tacna Colonel José María Lavayén organization that manages to defeat an army. In Locumba, Colonel Manuel de Mendiburu also organizes forces among whom was Justo Arias and Aragüez in 1842.
José Rosa Ara also organized in a column of peasants Tacna and Altos de Warbler (Locumba) defeats a column Bolivia.
The Bolivian army did not have enough troops to maintain the occupation. In the battle of Tarapacá, montoneros formed by Major Juan Buendia, from Iquique, beat the January 7, 1842 the detachment led by Colonel Jose Maria Garcia, who died in the clash. Thus, the Bolivian troops vacate Tacna, Arica and Tarapaca in February 1842, retreating to Moquegua and Puno.
The fighting finally evicted Orurillo Motoni and Bolivian forces of Peru.
[Edit] Epilogue

At the end of the conflict signed the "Treaty of Puno" on June 7, 1842. However, the climate of tension between Lima and La Paz would dormant until 1847, when it becomes effective signing a "Treaty of Peace and Commerce"
José Ballivián

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