Carnaval de Tambobamba

Carnaval de Tambobamba

miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011


The constant action, main, heroic, selfless and decisive cooperated with our fighters to the success of our campaign of liberation, remains unknown today, hidden in Honduras from indifference and oblivion. Guerrillas organized by San Martin since his arrival in Peru, following the example of which Sucre and Bolivar wanted to be the 1824. Organized in part, made the war of espionage, the surprise assault and battle with tenacity and audacity were tireless centaur on the slopes, canyons, rugged and slopes of the mountains.
From 1821 and during the campaign to liberate harassed the enemy on all sides, in their marches and camps, demoralizing the troops, causing the drop in their ranks, assaulting his cavalry and mules, breaking its military power. Espionage supplied the Liberation Army at all times accurate knowledge of the positions, movements and effects of the royalist troops occupying the territory, the guerrillas were preparing the battle, reducing the enemy to their lowest offensive efficiency.Bolivar decided that some items of montoneros and guerrillas, led by fearless leaders were marched in the footsteps of realistic mission harass.
Thus, operating in Apurimac in 1823, the guerrilla Manuel Bustamante, commander of the "Lancers Lick" and the Sergeant Major J. Irasusta, commander of the guerrilla Curahuasi. In 1824 Colonel Marcelino Guerrilla Curahuasi Carreño was in and controlled the area between Abancay and the Apurimac River. Practically these guerrillas became the parents of our homeland - Curahuasi.
This montonero whose mother tongue was Quechua, who was in Curahuasi in 1824, according to research by Mariano Felipe Paz Soldan, as well as Francisco Javier Mariátegui, based on testimony from those who witnessed the incident and gave written account of what they knew, knew or saw, at once, also based on memories, stories and writings of both the travelers who were in Peru and Peruvians who participated in the events, or military reports of the heads of the Peruvian Army and the Colonial Army at his King, as well as parts of Battle and correspondence whose testimonies have to sign that Colonel Marcelino Carreño participated since the arrival of San Martin (1820), by whom he was appointed.
Conducted its activities together that courageous Peruvian various posts starting Caravelí Arequipa, Chincha Ica, Lima, Cañete Lucanas Parinacochas Huamanga, Marcon, Huanuco, Andahuaylas, Oyón, Huaylas, Huancayo and many other places that covered much ease for his mastery of Quechua.Carreño before the Battle of Ayacucho (November 1823) while in Huanuco, was the first to break relations with José de la Riva Agüero, knowing that it was understood the enemy, which reported to Bolivar as follows: "the Regiment under my command, the officers and I have the loyalty of being under the orders of Your Excellency. "
General Garcia Camba, in his memoirs, Carreno says about that: "Carreño montoneros covered all the country between Abancay and Apurimac." The fantastic guerrilla Marcelino Carreño, membership had resolved all populations (as Curahuasi), in his writing and organization. During the Battle of Ayacucho (December 9, 1924), General Sucre La Mar asked permission to release their reserves consist of about 700-900 montoneros horse, commanded by Colonel Marcelino Carreño guerrillas.
Sucre immediately agreed, the Peruvian guerrilla bands were formed in battle array on the existing slopes to the left of the Peruvian division and loaded with tremendous vigor, the shock was of singular violence, but the division of the realists led by Valdes stopped. Arrested Valdes, General La Mar was able to organize their battalions and throw the fight, which became close, making it impossible to continue its operation colonial overflow and attack from behind. The montoneras Carreño broke the first part of the brilliant battle plan for the royalists in payment thereof montoneros many died, among whom was Carreño. This heroic action of stopping Carreño Valdes allowed the Peruvian victory on the plains of Ayacucho.
Field Marshal Jerónimo Valdés realistic in its report to King Ferdinand VII, on the events that led to the defeat of the colonial forces Sucre states that failed to mention Colonel Marcelino Carreño as the greatest hero of the Battle of the fieldsAyacucho.
This omission has resulted in the greatest historical injustice that outweighs the individual's own hero was Carreño that this great character is one of the most important representatives of the great montoneros both fought for our independence, and that in short, were the ones who stopped himself Valdes Carreño died in this endeavor, and Valdes had to have seen it fall and accuses Sucre have eliminated the formidable hero of the Battle Part of that preparation. Another omission of Sucre was also associated with General Gamarra. Sucre in Part marginalized Peruvian fighters pointing to foreigners.
In our country had more than one hundred heads montoneros, commanding more than a thousand regular soldiers, who were those who gave us freedom. Therefore, all these heroes we honor and perpetuate independence as they deserve for their sacrifice and legarnos a free country.

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