Culture Viru
Pre-Columbian culture
200 BCE-300 A.D.
Capital: You probably Tomabal Castle
Theocracy Government
Historical period pre-Columbian America
• Established 200 BCE
Viru culture took on the valleys of Chicama and Viru, La Libertad Region in Peru. Its headquarters was the "Castle Tomabal" on the left bank of the river Viru.
Was in force at the end of the Formative of Ancient Peru until the third century AD. This culture ended up being evicted by the Moche Chicama Basin to the first century AD C. and 200 years after they were evicted from the banks of Viru.
Viru culture large buildings made of mud. The most remarkable and gigantic are: San Juan, Napo, and Tomabal Sarraque. Undoubtedly had a class society. The Viru were the initiators of the huacos - portraits, which years later perfected the Moche.
As in all cultures of that time, agriculture is the backbone of the economy. In the valleys of Chicama, Moche and Viru irrigation projects were implemented to expand the agricultural frontier. The main crops were maize, beans, Lagenaria, cassava, cotton, pepper, lúcumo and other fruit. Complemented this with a fishing industry whose products dried trade with other Andean nations.
Also called Gallinazo, was located between the valleys of milk and holy, its center was found between the valleys of Moche, Chicama and Viru.
Gallinazo''''The name was given by the American archaeologist Kroeber, due to the presence of traces of the bird droppings on the walls of their buildings.
Artistic manifestations were:
a) Ceramics
Huaco began''Portrait''style, so characteristic system shaped eyes bean, also developed the''negative''ceramic, painted the outside of the drawings creating a negative image effect.
b) Architecture:
The rest is the most important Tonmabal Castle.
c) Gold:
Hammering technique used to work mainly gold, silver and copper.
Source: wikipedia
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