Location: It was developed in the valleys of Pisco, Chincha, Nazca (Rio Grande), Ica and Acari (south coast of Peru). His main focus: Cahuachi was the capital of the company Nazca located 49 km from the modern city of Nazca in the Rio Grande basin and 500 km. south of Lima.
The Nazca culture was a pre-Columbian civilization that developed on the southern coast of the current country of Peru. The earliest history of Nazca, are in the first century AD, in the final phase of the Paracas (Paracas Necropolis). The Nazca culture seems to be a continuation of the Paracas culture and both cultures had the same customs, agricultural techniques and also militaristic societies. The end of the Nazca culture coincides with the decline of fine polychrome ceramics and the domain of the Huari culture in the years 800 AD
The most impressive of this civilization are made by the Nazca lines in the Pampas of Nazca and other sites on the southern coast of Peru. The strokes known as the Nazca Lines are located in a geographical area with little rainfall, demonstrating knowledge of geography and meteorology. As an extremely interesting fact that reinforces the theory of meteorological knowledge of Nazca.
Twenty miles from the city of Nazca is Chauchilla Cemetery. Outside a cemetery in which despite the looting mummies can still be seen in good condition and pottery shards.
Nazquense economy was based on agriculture and it was intense and an example to posterity how to solve the problem of barren land on the coast. The scholar Antonio Raimondi about this, said: "In the basement there Nazca groundwater, but, finding it at a depth of 4 or 5 feet, can not be used to irrigate the land. The river, usually only have running water for 40 days in the year, so that, for over 10 months, Nazca devoid of water if not for the work undertaken by the ancient Indians. " Nazca The main crops were corn, beans, squash, pumpkins, cassava, peanuts, peppers, guava, Lucuma, pacae and cotton.
The ancient nasquenses, built aqueducts to have water all year round, works on the other hand should be a big physical effort, organized and technical direction of engineers. His shots are high in Nazca and take groundwater infiltration to take them to the city. The major pipelines are: Ocaña, Matara, Uchulla, Tejeje, Bisambra, Aja, Curve, Llícuas, Soisonguito, Copara and Achirana.
Had its main area in the province of the same name, south of the department of Ica. The foundation was agriculture, developed despite the scarcity of water hydraulic works, consisting mainly of underground tunnels, which allowed enable the land for cultivation. Relating to agriculture are the world-famous Nazca lines or drawings, discovered in 1927 by Don Toribio Mejia Xesspe. Then disciple J.C. Tello. These drawings cover an area that has been estimated at 350 km2. Maria Reiche, said the Nazca lines were points of astronomical observations, very useful for agriculture. Nazca pottery is of extraordinary beauty. The list includes plants, animals, cabezastrofeos, anthropomorphic (ie human form), geometric designs, etc.. It is spherical vessels with two peaks and a handle. It is important to note the use of many colors, predominantly white, red, ocher, yellow and gray.
Source: wikipedia
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